New Year’s Goal Setting That Works

I’ve never been a big fan of New Year’s resolutions, but since my birthday falls around the new year, I figured it was a nice time to come up with some new goals.  I’ve found the only way for goals to get accomplished is to do the tasks necessary to accomplish them (duh!). So this year, I’ve decided to create a task checklist to help me reach my goals for 2014.

If you need some help figuring out what your goals should be, sometimes these priority wheels can help. This one is right off the internet, so you can change out any of the priorities with ones that are important to you.

Goal Setting Chart

Looking at your list of priorities can help you see where you want (or need) to create goals. Once you create goals, you can then come up with the daily or weekly tasks needed to accomplish them.

I need visual reminders so I made a task list white board. I just took an 8 x 10 frame and cut out a piece of pretty paper to fit.

Goal Setting Chart

For a weekly calendar, you can use letter stickers to make your days of the week since those don’t change.

Goal Setting Chart


Then put your paper into the frame and write out your tasks on the glass with white board markers.

Goal Setting Chart

I like this way to complete tasks because it gives me a weekly overview. Since every day can be different, I don’t like to expect everything to be done daily.

At the end of the week, the goal will be to have a fairly balanced amount of checks on your board.

Goal Setting Chart

Then just hang the board wherever is most visible for you and keep your white board pen handy for checking tasks off the list!

Goal Setting Chart

Goal Setting Chart

Happy New Year!

3 thoughts on “New Year’s Goal Setting That Works

  1. Reblogged this on Family Answers Fast and commented:
    This week’s reblog comes from Jill at Maggie May’s. Jill has a beautiful blog filled with her practical and elegant creations. While I’m not much of a crafter, I share Jill’s love for having a beautiful home. Jill makes it all very approachable which is appreciated! This particular post is right up my alley because what I lack in crafting skill I make up for in planning skill. Goal setting, priority wheels, visual reminders, hooray! And there are two more things I want to add. Back in November, Jill was kind enough to invite her followers to connect: “Let’s Get Engaged: A Call To All Bloggers” and I met some lovely ladies there. Also, Maggie May is Jill’s daughter’s name. If you call Jill, “Maggie”, instead of Jill, she will be very gracious 🙂

What do you think? I would really love to know!!