What Happens When A Mirror And A Picture Frame Get Married?

I had a moment that I haven’t had in a while where I saw a couple things in my house and thought, “I wonder what would happen if….”

I found this mirror for $6.99 a while ago and bought it not knowing what I’d do with it.

Mirror Maggie May's gifts

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Give Your Spring Décor A Winter Look

transform spring decor into winter with paint-birdhouseIf you have a little bit of paint, you can transform many of your spring décor items into winter pieces quickly. I’ll share one example.

I found this adorable birdhouse but I didn’t like the color. It might work in the spring or summer, but winter is a-comin’. Continue reading

Finally, Something To Do With All Your Old Jewelry

use old jewelry to decorate flower vases

I think it is safe to assume that you have a drawer or box of old jewelry somewhere. It’s jewelry that is broken (with hopes you’ll repair it someday), or not your style anymore. Whatever the reason, jewelry is hard to get rid of. It just feels like you’ll want it someday or that it will miraculously come back into fashion.

Until then, here is a way you can use it while you wait for that day. Continue reading

Update A Plain, Boring Shelf in Ten Minutes

I found this square shelf for $.90 at a thrift store years ago and it’s hung on my wall for a while. I’ve been wanting to do something with it but didn’t know what.

Decorate-plain-shelf-with-stencilsI recently bought some stencils that I have been playing around with and I thought I’d see what I could do. I picked out a stencil (these rubbery kind that adhere to a surface are great!) and some paint and got started. Continue reading

Love Month Decorating Ideas

February is here and that means a month of celebrating Love! I thought I would share some past love-themed posts to kick off the month. Just click on the link or photo to be directed to the full tutorial.

I love using Eucalyptus leaves to craft with because they are natural and smell fantastic. Plus, when you twist the leaves off the branch, they are shaped like small hearts..perfect for Love crafting!

Here is a framed art idea using them.

Valentine's Art Using Eucalyptus Leaves Continue reading

Repurpose A Cute Sheet Into A Shirt

The beautiful thing about having your last child is that when he is done with an item (high chair, clothes, etc.) you can get rid of it. No more storing!

The only time this is sad is when they outgrow something that you love.

There was always something about this crib sheet of my daughter’s that made me happy. Once she moved from her toddler bed into a twin, it was time to say goodbye.

Upcycling kids clothes using outgrown items

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