Finally, Something To Do With All Your Old Jewelry

use old jewelry to decorate flower vases

I think it is safe to assume that you have a drawer or box of old jewelry somewhere. It’s jewelry that is broken (with hopes you’ll repair it someday), or not your style anymore. Whatever the reason, jewelry is hard to get rid of. It just feels like you’ll want it someday or that it will miraculously come back into fashion.

Until then, here is a way you can use it while you wait for that day.

First, grab an old vase.

If you happen to know someone (who shall remain nameless) who has a bottled Frappucchino addiction, those jars are perfect.

Use old jewelry to decorate flower vases

Grab a bracelet or necklace and wrap it around the neck of your jar. You can even use an old pendant or brooch to dangle from it.

Use old jewelry to decorate flower vases

Use old jewelry to decorate flower vases

Use old jewelry to decorate flower vases DSC07680

Go crazy 🙂

Use old jewelry to decorate flower vases


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use old jewery to decorate flower vases

19 thoughts on “Finally, Something To Do With All Your Old Jewelry

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