Turn Your Family Photos Into Works Of Art

how to paint your family photos and make wall collage

Do you love having photos around the house but get bored easily with them? Here is something to try.

All I did was take some photos that were already on the wall (and a few newer ones) and copied them using basic craft paint. For some of them, I was able to lightly trace the basic outline of the image for reference. That helped a lot.

As you will see, I did this project purely for fun. I have no portrait painting skills, but you don’t need them when you are just playing around. Although, some training would have helped. Have you ever tried to paint a nose? 🙂

The nice thing about being an amateur painter is that you never know what you’ll end up with. For instance, I tried to paint this photo of my husband and me but ended up with a portrait of Phil Collins and Celine Dion.

paint your family photos for fun

Here are a few more attempts.

Paint your family photos

how to Paint your family photos using acrylic paint

This one was my favorite because I got to use glitter as the beadwork on my dress.

how to Paint your family photos using acrylic paint

After the paintings dried, I put them into old frames and hung them in my son’s room.

how to Paint your family photos using acrylic paint

how to Paint your family photos using acrylic paint

paint pictures of your photos using acrylic paintSo if you’re looking for a new way to display photos around your house, get out your paint and have some fun!


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20 thoughts on “Turn Your Family Photos Into Works Of Art

  1. I’ve been trying to figure out how to get a painting done for my Bogey (my golden)…without spending a ton of money. This is a great idea. I so look forward to trying this!

What do you think? I would really love to know!!