Bribe Your Kids With These…They Work.

Over the summer, I got a little spoiled being able to use popsicles as a bribing tool with my kids. I finally caved and bought the sugary, almost-neon ones and, consequently, created monsters out of my kids. The good kind of monsters, though. The ones that can be bribed and lured by sugary treats.

As much as I was loving my parenting with popsicles, I realized I really should have a better plan. And by plan, I mean adding trickery to the bribery.

In our latest issue of the Kroger magazine, they had these cute banana ghosts. They were banana halves on a stick, dipped in yogurt and had chocolate chip eyes (so, if you need an idea for Halloween, there you go). I thought those would be a perfect replacement for my popsicles, especially with a few adjustments. I wanted my treats to appear to be really fun and sugary, while actually being healthy.

If you want to make these, all you need are:
Bananas, cut in half
Plain Greek yogurt (it has far less sugar than regular yogurt and a lot more protein)
Popsicle sticks (found at any craft store)
Parchment paper

Cut your bananas in half and push a popsicle stick into them.
Healthy, fun banana yogurt pops for kids

Spread Greek yogurt onto the bananas. Make sure you do enough that it looks like icing!
Healthy, fun banana yogurt pops for kids

Then sprinkle just enough colored, candy sprinkles onto the yogurt to make it look like a lot of fun.
Healthy, fun banana yogurt pops for kidsPlace on a cookie sheet covered with parchment paper and freeze. Finally, give them a really great name.

Healthy, fun banana yogurt pops for kids

Let them sit for a just a minute before serving (they thaw quickly) and enjoy. There’s nothing better than giving your kids what they want while also giving them what you want.

Healthy, fun banana yogurt pops for kids

Even the little guy thinks they are something special….

Healthy, fun banana yogurt pops


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