Give Your Spring Décor A Winter Look

transform spring decor into winter with paint-birdhouseIf you have a little bit of paint, you can transform many of your spring décor items into winter pieces quickly. I’ll share one example.

I found this adorable birdhouse but I didn’t like the color. It might work in the spring or summer, but winter is a-comin’. Continue reading

Thrift Store Makeovers

One neat thing about wordpress (or I guess blogs and websites in general) is that you can see what search engine words led people to your website. This can be helpful in learning what topics people are interested in.

What I found was the majority of search terms used for my site involved thrift stores and decorating with thrift store items. Since I just so happen to love making over thrift store items, I thought it would be fun to do more of it!

Starting today.

I found these little guys at a thrift store and liked them.


I don’t cross stitch so I’m not up on the lingo. I assumed they were some sort of frames for a cross stictching project since they had glass but all I could find about them is that they are cross stitching hoops. I couldn’t find anything online showing these hoops with glass.

If anyone has any idea about these, let me know because now I’m really curious. Most likely they are a rare antique worth millions and now I’m very rich.

Despite my windfall, I decided to carry out my project. To begin, I removed the glass and painted the rims white.


Once that dried, I picked out a fabric (I went with this lobster print) and used the glass to trace the fabric to size.


Then I just glued the fabric to the glass with the print side facing out.


DSC05681 And put the glass back into the frame and reattached the screw.


Then they were ready to hang!


They made the perfect decoration over my son’s bed, just in time for summer.


Now, on to the next thrift store makeover 🙂



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cross stitch collage

Decorative Container Ideas

I can’t seem to stop myself from saving these yogurt containers. They are a great size and are so sturdy.


Because we go through so many of them, the growing stack was making me eligible to appear on Hoarders, so I needed to do something with them- and quick.

I didn’t know exactly what to do so I decided to decorate them and then go from there. Since fall is here, I went with a jute wrap.


I also used white yarn for contrast.


I just covered the container with glue (as I went, not all at once) and then just wrapped around.

This is a pretty simple project but I thought I would share. There are actually a lot of things you can do with these containers.

I used a couple to store picnic items.


And filled some with fall mums.


I used some for small random toys. The plastic lids are great, if you remember to save them.



I might still be eligible for Hoarders, I’m not sure. Is it still considered hoarding trash if it’s decorated?

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