Gratitude Board

thankful people are happy

I recently shared my version of a “Love Note Board.”  You can see the step by step of that project here.

Gratitude Board

Now that November is here, this is always a good month to be reminded of all of our blessings. It is easy to get busy and forget to stop and give thanks. Here is an easy way to remember to stay grateful.

If you made a “Love Note Board”, then all you need to do is type and print, “Today I am grateful for..” and glue it onto the backboard of your frame over your “I love you because” sign (under the glass).

Using white board markers, update your board every day with all of your blessings, big and small, that you are grateful for.

Gratitude Board

Feeling and expressing gratitude has so many health benefits-emotional and physical. If you do this and update it every day, you are sure to feel a little lighter and happier. It’s wonderful to give silent thanks throughout the day, but this project encourages family involvement and is visual proof of all of our blessings.

I actually used gratitude when I was going through a physically painful time. Sometimes I would just say, “Thank you” over and over and over. Or I would write down all of the things that the pain was teaching me like compassion, endurance, strength and patience. I found that whenever I was in a state of gratitude, even if it was only for a couple minutes, I was not in a state of pain. So the more thankful I was, the more relief I felt.

People usually associate expressing gratitude with things going right in life. But actually gratitude can be most miraculous when things are going really wrong.

when life is sweet say thank you

I’m looking forward to focusing on gratitude this month. I’ll start now. I am grateful for all of you who read, like and comment on this blog. I really appreciate it! xo

If you want to take this a step further, sign up for the 21 day Gratitude Challenge. Starting November 7th, they will send you a daily email featuring the suggested gratitude prompt for the day, along with some inspiration and tips for putting it into action. All you have to do is enter your email (no registering or anything else) at .

Thank you 🙂


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26 thoughts on “Gratitude Board

  1. Pingback: 34+ Thanksgiving Activities that Teach Kids Thankfulness - Christ Centered Holidays

  2. Pingback: Thanksgiving Craft: Gratitude Magnets - Meet Penny

  3. Pingback: Vibrant Homeschooling » 40+ Thanksgiving Crafts, Printables, Books and Activities that Teach Kids Thankfulness

  4. Great idea! We always talk about all the things God blesses us with each day and thank Him for them at night when we pray. I love this idea too!

  5. I must make one of these love/gratitude boards. It is adorable and so great for stable mental health :)! I love the quotes you shared. There is nothing like gratitude to change a bad attitude and bring joy to our lives. We always have something to be grateful for no matter what we are facing.

  6. I love this idea and how you could switch it up to being a gratitude board as well! You make it look so easy to do 🙂

  7. Every night before I tuck the girls in we share 1 thing that we are thankful for from the day. It is one of the simplest, yet most insightful times of the day with my girls. I learn so much about who they are.

  8. This is my quote of the day for tomorrow’s class. They will love it. Each day, I have my kids depart giving me a handshake, looking at me in the eye, saying our class’ quote of the day. I love this one and cannot wait to use it! xxoo

    Michelle Drake (415) 690-3275 cell

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