Fall Air Freshener (natural and easy)

fall air freshener collage

I love the way a home smells when someone (not me) is cooking, especially cinnamon-ny baked goods.

The only problem with this is I don’t have the time or desire to bake every day, which is why I love this way to make my home smell like I do.

I love that this uses real ingredients so it is all-natural and smells amazing. It’s also super easy and inexpensive. All you need is an apple, 6 cinnamon sticks (about $1.00 when you buy in the bulk section), and the peel of an orange (you can go ahead and eat the actual orange). Grab some cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and any other yummy spices you have on hand as well.ingredients for natural air freshener

I know many people will let this simmer on the stove but with kids around I don’t like having the stove on, especially for long periods. Instead, put the ingredients, spices, and about 8 cups of water in the crock pot. This is much safer and uses far less energy and gas than the stove.

natural air freshener

I turn mine on high for about an hour or so to get it going and then you can turn it to low for the rest of the day. It does take about an hour to start really smelling up the house so keep that in mind if you’re doing this before guests come over.

Be warned that when your house smells this heavenly, people are going to expect to be served some sort of treat. I’ll let you figure out how to handle that one. 🙂


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fall crock pot collage long

29 thoughts on “Fall Air Freshener (natural and easy)

  1. Would the scent and/or taste of this mixture remain in the crock pot and transfer to other food one might want to cook in this same crock pot?

  2. Pingback: Fall Crock Pot Air Freshener - Inspiration DIY

  3. Pingback: 20 DIY Natural air fresheners - Happy Creative Place

  4. Pingback: Friday Favorites–Fall Cleaning | Crafty Staci

  5. The crockpot!!! Why didn’t I think of that? I totally made an air freshener on the stove and almost burned my whole place down! It’s very easy to forget about what you have a little one running around. I’m going to try it with the crockpot instead! Thanks!

  6. I love my slow cooker. I love the smell of yummy goodness in my home. I love not having to work too hard, lol. This is a keeper! Thanks, Jill, and wonderful weekend to you & yours 🙂

  7. This sounds amazing! I love how the house smells when we make applesauce, so I know how this must smell. 🙂 The interesting scent is the orange…I must try this!

  8. Great idea! I love melting waxes because the make my house smell amazing, butbhibby is always worried about the carcinogens being released. This is a perfect solution! Do you think it would work with the smaller dip-size crock pot, the kind that holds only a cup or two?

    • OOOoo I want a small crock pot! I wasn’t sure if they made them. It would probably work but you’d have to watch it more closely I guess b/c the water would cook away more quickly? Let me know how it goes if you try it!

What do you think? I would really love to know!!