Decorate With Your Kid’s Favorite Book

book pagesWhen your kid decides that a particular book is his all-time favorite, you can expect it to get destroyed pretty quickly.

Kids aren’t exactly gentle with their books and when it’s one that they read over and over and over, you can bet it’s going to get beat up. I’m sure you have some books that look like this..

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I have to admit that after reading a book 2,000 times, I start to get a little sentimental towards it knowing that it will most likely become a childhood memory for my kids.

So when those books get too beat up to even read anymore, I hate to throw them away. They have become a part of me (and my kids) by then.

I wanted to see if we could keep the memory alive somehow even if the book was ruined. I thought about framing the pages but that would have required a trip to the store. Plus, the pages in the book I wanted to use were an odd size making it a challenge to frame.

I remembered making hanging frames in the past (you can see that post here) with ribbon and decided to give that a try.

To do this project, you will need:
Your book
An X-Acto knife or scissors
Nails or 3M removable hooks
Buttons or other flat embellishment

First decide where you will be hanging your pages. This will help you know how many pages you can use and the size of ribbon to cut.

Then remove the pages of your book using scissors or and X-Acto knife.


Cut your ribbon. You will be folding the ribbon in half, so keep that in mind when you cut.

Then just tape or hot glue your ribbon to the back of your page starting at one side and folding ribbon over so you can tape or glue the other end to the other side of your page.



Now you can play around with them on the wall to determine where to put your hooks.

Then hang.


To add some color and hide the hook, hot glue a button or other fun embellishment onto it.



And now your favorite book doesn’t have to be forgotten.



Note: This project is probably best with a cardboard book. If you want to display paper pages of a book, you might be better off framing them. But who knows? Try it and see. And then let me know!

23 thoughts on “Decorate With Your Kid’s Favorite Book

  1. Wow Jill very interesting project. I also do a lot of DIY and I loved your idea of using kids favorite book for decor. It is better for a book that is now worn out and the memories of dis book is precious part of our kids childhood. It is an easily do-able project and gr8 way to preserve memories.

  2. Cute idea! When my son was a toddler, we would read, “The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear,” every single day. The book was so tattered and torn, but I wish I would have kept our original copy instead of replacing it with a board book. This would have been awesome. (Although maybe not at thirteen. But, I could have used it for everyone else!)

What do you think? I would really love to know!!