Who Are These People?

Have you been wanting to sit down with your family members and capture their great childhood and life stories. Maybe even some words of wisdom?

Or have you tried (like I did) and realized that without the right questions, it became an interview full of facts or just felt awkward because you didn’t know what to ask?

I’m really excited to share something I created out of a need for myself and have spent the last nine months working on…and it is finally done!My Life Inscribed Interview Workbook

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Book Recommendation for Anyone Creative (That’s You!)

We are all creative. Whether you like to write, cook, craft, decorate, negotiate at work, or parent your kids, you are being creative.

I feel that we all get callings or nudges to try something. Sometimes we listen and act, but most of the time, we don’t.

If you’ve ever wanted someone to give you permission to go for it, do your thing, be yourself, or just create something for fun, then you will love this book. Not that you need permission to do those things, of course, but sometimes it helps move you along.

Big Magic-Elizabeth Gilbert Continue reading

Supernanny To The Rescue

Whenever I watch Supernanny, I usually just sit in awe of Jo Frost (the Supernanny). She is firm, patient and kind and the kids all love her.

Sometimes watching it is stressful though, because at the end of the day, the last thing I want to watch is a show with kids screaming, running around and misbehaving. I prefer The Real Housewives of Orange County where it is the adults doing that. Much more relaxing.

When I discovered how many books Jo Frost has written, I got very excited. Now I could learn her magic without having to see and hear all the craziness.

I’ve only read two so far but I love how she relays different scenarios and then gives her advice on how to best handle them. She makes every solution seem doable for anyone. Also, I appreciate that her foundation for caregiving is love with an emphasis on discipline and manners.

This is one of her older books which was the first one I read.


And this is what I’m reading now, which is brand new.


Here are a few other titles if you’re interested.

Jo-Frost-Toddler-SOS-233x300 JoFrost1



She also has a website if you are looking for more, http://www.jofrost.com.

If you have small kids and are looking for some inspiration, I hope this helps. Her advice is basic, timeless, and been proven effective again and again.


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The Kindness of Strangers

I just wanted to share a quick update on our inspirational book drive for the women at Amethyst Recovery Center. You can read more about that project here.

Many thanks go out to the generosity of organizations, businesses and individuals. Without the kindness of strangers and friends, this project wouldn’t be possible.

We have quite a collection going so far!


Due to the generous response, we now plan to give one book to each woman enrolled in the program and get a small library started for all of the women to borrow from.

We still need more children’s books so we can give a book to each child, as well. So if you’re about to make a Goodwill drop off of books or you are with an organization hoping to participate, please let me know. You can email me at maggiemays@live.com.


Book Drive For Women’s Recovery Center

Want to make a difference?


Maggie May’s Gifts is requesting donations of new or used inspirational, non-fiction books. Even one book will help. Check your basements!
We will be donating them to the women enrolled at Amethyst Recovery Center.

What is Amethyst?


Amethyst is a holistic recovery center for women. The women enrolled have made the decision to be there and have agreed to the conditions of the program. They are provided with housing, food, counseling, treatment programs, and career coaching in a family environment. In exchange, they must abstain from all drugs, alcohol, and tobacco and be commited to a full recovery and entrance into the workplace.

Why Amethyst?

The only time to truly help another person is when they are open and accepting of the help. Until then, no matter how loving your intentions are, your efforts will be wasted.
That is why offering the gift of motivation and inspiration to the women at Amethyst is so important. Each woman there has made the courageous decision to get help and now is the time to be there for them.

While all material needs are provided for them through this program, dedication and commitment must come from within. The power of a great book can be enough to encourage a woman to keep going when she feels like giving up. It can remind her that the love of her children is much stronger than any drug. It can even inspire her to reach out to someone else who may be in need.

While it may seem like “just a book”, please know that it is so much more than that.

book heart

We all want a society filled with less crime, abuse, hunger, and violence. Getting to the root of the problem (poverty and drug addiction) is the key.
Helping these moms can help keep their children out of foster care and safe from hunger and abuse.

book red heart

Thank you so much for helping us make sure that every woman in this program gets her own book.

All book donations may be mailed to:

c/o Maggie May’s Book Drive
455 East Mound Street
Columbus, OH 43215

Be sure to tell the post office you are mailing a book. They offer a discount for media mailings.

If you are in the Columbus area, please feel free to email me at maggiemays{at}live{dot}com and I will be happy to pick the books up from you.