Book Recommendation for Anyone Creative (That’s You!)

We are all creative. Whether you like to write, cook, craft, decorate, negotiate at work, or parent your kids, you are being creative.

I feel that we all get callings or nudges to try something. Sometimes we listen and act, but most of the time, we don’t.

If you’ve ever wanted someone to give you permission to go for it, do your thing, be yourself, or just create something for fun, then you will love this book. Not that you need permission to do those things, of course, but sometimes it helps move you along.

Big Magic-Elizabeth Gilbert Continue reading

The BEST gift you can give your kids (Hint: It’s Free)

I’ve been working on a project for a while now that I can’t wait to share with you soon! The project involves connecting with the generations before us to draw out their best stories~the stories that made them who they are. It’s been a lot of fun (and a lot of work) but I think it’s really important so it’s become sort of a passion project 🙂

In my research, I’ve connected with people who share similar philosophies and are doing their own exciting work. One person, in particular, is Jennifer from Tales of a Peanut. She has an online paper and gift shop with all kinds of beautiful paper products. Her latest line is called Handwritten Heritage.

handwritten heritage2

Photo courtesy of Handwritten Heritage

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