Modern Fall Art

modern fall artOne of my favorite purchases lately has been a can of copper spray paint. It is such a fun color and I thought it would be neat to add a modern look to some fall items.

For this project, we just headed outside and gathered acorns that had fallen to the ground. I washed them and let them dry in the sun.


And then just sprayed them with the paint, shaking the box around to be sure the whole acorn got covered.


I also did this with pine cones from the ground and plastic leaves from the dollar store.

For the canvas, I covered two pieces of flat Styrofoam with fabric. You could use a painted wood board or a store-bought canvas. I was just trying to use up what I had.


Then I hot glued my painted items onto the canvas.



With my pine cones, I tied some raffia around them and gathered them in a bunch.



Then I hot glued them to the back of a decorative frame that had the glass removed.


This allowed them to just dangle in the opening.


This month, these pieces are hanging in Starbucks so people can enjoy some fall decor as they sip their pumpkin spice lattes. 🙂




Fall doesn’t have to always be browns and oranges. Remember your metallics when you want a more modern look.

Have Fun!


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32 thoughts on “Modern Fall Art

  1. Pingback: Create An Indoor Winter Wonderland | Maggie May's

  2. Love this! You’re right, metallics for fall are awesome! This is such a great project because it looks great and it’s inexpensive.And your pieces are at Starbucks?! That is so cool!

  3. I love the pinecones hanging in the opening of the frame one! Very nice. 🙂
    How’d you get to display them at Starbucks? That’s so cool!

What do you think? I would really love to know!!