Turn a Kleenex Box into Home Décor

use a kleenex box for home decor-https://maggiemaysgifts.wordpress.com/2015/02/19/turn-a-kleenex-box-into-home-decor/

Who needs a decorative tissue box cover anymore when Kleenex and other companies are making the boxes with all kinds of fun patterns?

I was about to throw away a box of Kleenex when I noticed how much I liked the pattern. I decided to play around with it to see if I could make something from it.

Maggie May's Kleenex decoration- box

I thought this pattern would look nice as a mat in a frame. It’s a nice, neutral color and the pattern is simple. I just got a couple white frames from Ikea and got to work.

Maggie May's Kleenex decoration- box and frames

Since these frames came with a mat, it was really easy. I just cut strips out of the box in the same size as the sides of the mat. Using double sided tape, I taped the strips to the existing mat. If you don’t have a mat, you can just line up your strips along the edge of the glass in your frame and tape them together in the back.Maggie May's Kleenex decoration- cut strips to mat

Then I put the mat back in the frame, added a picture, and that was it.

Maggie May's Kleenex decoration-frames and votive candles

With the leftover box, I cut a few strips and wrapped them inside some votive candles I had. This is only recommended for candles that are decoration only. Somehow adding paper next to a flame doesn’t sound like a good idea 🙂

Maggie May's Kleenex decoration- votive candles

The possibilities of things to do with the boxes is endless. You can cut out hearts or circles to decorate note cards, cut strips as bookmarks, or just put a piece inside a frame as the art itself.

Maggie May's Kleenex decoration

Ok, so go dig through your trash and pull out all your old tissue boxes. No one is watching!


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22 thoughts on “Turn a Kleenex Box into Home Décor

  1. Pingback: Turn a Kleenex Box into Home Décor - AllDIYIdeas.comDIY Ideas

  2. I, too, have noticed the lovely colors and patterns and try to match them to my room decor, but never thought of using them for things like this! Thank God, we are all made differently. We get such fun from other’s ideas!

  3. Pingback: How To Turn A Tissue Box Into A Flower Vase | Maggie May's

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  5. Pingback: 9 Household Items to Start Reusing This Earth Day (And Never Stop!) « CauseHub

  6. Pingback: Turn a Kleenex Box Into Home Decor - Inspiration DIY

  7. Pingback: How to Make Little Drawers Out of Tissue Boxes | Maggie May's

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