Update A Plain, Boring Shelf in Ten Minutes

I found this square shelf for $.90 at a thrift store years ago and it’s hung on my wall for a while. I’ve been wanting to do something with it but didn’t know what.

Decorate-plain-shelf-with-stencilsI recently bought some stencils that I have been playing around with and I thought I’d see what I could do. I picked out a stencil (these rubbery kind that adhere to a surface are great!) and some paint and got started. Continue reading

The BEST gift you can give your kids (Hint: It’s Free)

I’ve been working on a project for a while now that I can’t wait to share with you soon! The project involves connecting with the generations before us to draw out their best stories~the stories that made them who they are. It’s been a lot of fun (and a lot of work) but I think it’s really important so it’s become sort of a passion project 🙂

In my research, I’ve connected with people who share similar philosophies and are doing their own exciting work. One person, in particular, is Jennifer from Tales of a Peanut. She has an online paper and gift shop with all kinds of beautiful paper products. Her latest line is called Handwritten Heritage.

handwritten heritage2

Photo courtesy of Handwritten Heritage

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Turn Your Child’s Artwork Into A Custom Bookcase

Turn your child's Artwork into custom a custom bookcaseIf you have little budding artists around your house, then you know how easy it is to accumulate piles of pictures and artwork. The coloring book pages I can part with, but the freestyle drawings that show so much imagination, I can never seem to throw away. Continue reading