What Happens When A Mirror And A Picture Frame Get Married?

I had a moment that I haven’t had in a while where I saw a couple things in my house and thought, “I wonder what would happen if….”

I found this mirror for $6.99 a while ago and bought it not knowing what I’d do with it.

Mirror Maggie May's gifts

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Advent Calendar Idea Using The Christmas Story

I know we are thinking about Thanksgiving now, but I wanted to share this because December 1st will be here soon!

If you like doing Advent calendars with your kids, you might want to try something a little different with it. I shared this a couple years ago but wanted to share it again for anyone that missed it.

Advent Calendar of the Christmas Story

It is an Advent Calendar that has the Christmas Story divided into 24 sections. Each day, you reveal a portion of the story. On Christmas Eve, you and your kids can read the whole story together.

Many Advent calendars have a gift or trinket each day, so this is a great way to keep the meaning of Christmas alive and have less toys and clutter in the house!!

For a free printable of the numbers and of the Christmas Story already divided into 24 equal parts, visit the original Advent Calendar of The Christmas Story post.

Happy Thanksgiving 🙂


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Give Your Spring Décor A Winter Look

transform spring decor into winter with paint-birdhouseIf you have a little bit of paint, you can transform many of your spring décor items into winter pieces quickly. I’ll share one example.

I found this adorable birdhouse but I didn’t like the color. It might work in the spring or summer, but winter is a-comin’. Continue reading

Who Are These People?

Have you been wanting to sit down with your family members and capture their great childhood and life stories. Maybe even some words of wisdom?

Or have you tried (like I did) and realized that without the right questions, it became an interview full of facts or just felt awkward because you didn’t know what to ask?

I’m really excited to share something I created out of a need for myself and have spent the last nine months working on…and it is finally done!My Life Inscribed Interview Workbook

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Book Recommendation for Anyone Creative (That’s You!)

We are all creative. Whether you like to write, cook, craft, decorate, negotiate at work, or parent your kids, you are being creative.

I feel that we all get callings or nudges to try something. Sometimes we listen and act, but most of the time, we don’t.

If you’ve ever wanted someone to give you permission to go for it, do your thing, be yourself, or just create something for fun, then you will love this book. Not that you need permission to do those things, of course, but sometimes it helps move you along.

Big Magic-Elizabeth Gilbert Continue reading

Bribe Your Kids With These…They Work.

Over the summer, I got a little spoiled being able to use popsicles as a bribing tool with my kids. I finally caved and bought the sugary, almost-neon ones and, consequently, created monsters out of my kids. The good kind of monsters, though. The ones that can be bribed and lured by sugary treats.

As much as I was loving my parenting with popsicles, I realized I really should have a better plan. And by plan, I mean adding trickery to the bribery. Continue reading

Finally, Something To Do With All Your Old Jewelry

use old jewelry to decorate flower vases

I think it is safe to assume that you have a drawer or box of old jewelry somewhere. It’s jewelry that is broken (with hopes you’ll repair it someday), or not your style anymore. Whatever the reason, jewelry is hard to get rid of. It just feels like you’ll want it someday or that it will miraculously come back into fashion.

Until then, here is a way you can use it while you wait for that day. Continue reading